Sunday, April 27, 2008
1. Have Mission/Dream/Purpose for your life.
Put it where you can see it. Set steps or goals to help you reach your mission/dream/purpose. Write it down!!!!
2. Take yourself lightly. Take what you do seriously, and yourself lightly.
Remember "angels can fly because they take themselves lightly." It is okay to make mistakes that is how we learn.
3. Express your feelings.
Emotions are not bad or good. They are simply emotions. The word emotion means to move. Cry, shout, just don't hurt yourself or anyone else.
4. Learn to love yourself.
Pay more attention to what you do well instead of focusing on what you don't do well, Look in the mirror in the morning and night and tell yourself how much you love yourself, just as you are. If you can't love yourself you won't be able to love anyone else.
5. Laugh and often.
You don't have to have a reason to laugh, just laugh. Laugh at least 25 times per day. You will feel happier and healthier.
6. Never stop learning.
Each day we get better and better. If we are growing we are changing. Read at least one book a month.
7. Be kind to yourself and others.
Give yourself and others a break. Each of us are making the best decisions we can with the information we currently have.
8. Play!!
Live a balanced life. Balance your work with play. Better yet put more play into your work.
9. Be adventurous- Try new things.
Be curious about life. Take risks. Get out of your comfort zone.
10. Keep a positive attitude.
You may not be able to control what happens to you but you can always control how you respond.
For questions, answers, jokes, Jana Ruth, because that's my name can be reached at:
Sunday, April 13, 2008

In the book, "The Art of Possibilities," Benjamin Zander and Rosamond Zander, suggest that we treat people as "A" people. That people that are treated as if they are getting an "A" behave and perform better. I believe this works as I have used it for a number of years. In this article, I am going to suggest that we challenge ourselves each day to live an "A" day.
What would an "A" day consist of. Well, I think if I am acting like an "A" person, I will be kind, and caring of those around me. I think an "A" person will be a person who will really try to listen to others. An "A" person, won't lose his or her temper. An "A" person, will laugh and not take themselves too seriously. An "A" person will make the day a little better for at least one other person. An "A" person will be in the present, knowing that the present is the only thing there is. An "A" person will be forgiving.
Imagine with me what the world might be like if we spent each and every day as an "A" day? Wow! I think this world would be a kinder and happier place and maybe we would all be more like children. We might laugh more, be more creative, be more curious. That could be very exciting.
So what are you going to do to live more "A" days?
Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Live