Play with These Ideas
1. Change your attitude towards work, and life and if you can't change your attitude, change your job and or life.
2. Put more "Plerk" (perks of fun and laughter at work) into your work.
3. Spend at least one day a year without any plan, watch, or cell phone, and just play all day.
4. Be in the present moment as much as possible. We only have this moment and no other.
5. Play with your children, or grandchildren, they can teach you how to play.
6. Look for play and it will find you.
7. Practice playing. The more you play the better you get at it and the more you do it.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S for Life
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just Smile
But Jana, because that's my name. I have no reason to smile. The wonderful thing about your body is that it is stupid and it doesn't know the difference between a real and fake smile. When you smile Kimberly Read in an article called, "What's in a Smile," points out the following:
"In psychology, there is a theory entitled the "facial feedback hypothesis." This hypothesis states, "Involuntary facial movements provide sufficient peripheral information to drive emotional experience. " In other words, you may actually be able to improve your mood by simply smiling.
I challenge you to walk around all day smiling and I promise that you will actually start feeling better. Your body will notice the smile on your face, and automatically you will feel better. If anyone asks you why are you smiling just reply, "I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on around here."
Join me in a smile revolution and image what a better and happier world there would be.
Jana Ruth
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ways of Bringing Laughter into the Workplace
- Have a "Thanks in Advance" party for an employee on the day he/she joins the organization.
- Celebrate employees birthdays.
- Put together a "stress support kit" that can be handed out (or requested) by an employee under pressure or stress. Contents could include comedy CD's or DVD's, books, candy, chewing gum, a small dartboard, worry beads, etc.
- Put up a "humor board" in the office where people can pin up cartoons, jokes, etc.
- Have a weekly or monthly humor contest where people for $1 or $2, can submit a joke or cartoon, and everyone in contest votes on them and the winner gets the money.
- From the humor contest keep a "Humor Book" where all the jokes and cartoons can be kept.
- Have an actual "Stress Relief Station," which can be a room or corner at work where the employee can to listen to comedy CD's, or read funny books, paint, draw, play with clay, or just come to laugh.
- Encourage each other to establish or take a "Call in Well day," where people can take time to seriously enjoy themselves.
Jana Ruth author of
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Stress Reduction
Thursday, June 07, 2007

What Makes Me Laugh?
People make me laugh.
I make myself laugh.
Children make me laugh.
Dogs make me laugh.
Laughter makes me laugh.
Stupid thinking makes me laugh.
No thinking makes me laugh
People who think they are always right make me laugh.
President Bush makes me laugh and than cry.
Crying makes me laugh.
Taking myself too seriously makes me laugh.
Playing makes me laugh.
Being silly makes me laugh.
I love to laugh.
What about you? What makes you laugh?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
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