Thursday, August 23, 2007

Being in the Present

It is very hard for many of us to be in the present. One of the reasons I think children laugh more than adults (300 to 15) is because they live in the present and find wonder in it. As adults we are thinking of the past, the future, and very little of the present. If you think of it the present is all we have. The present moment is never intolerable. It is always what happened five minutes ago, or five days ago, or what is coming five minutes from now, or five days from now that makes people despair.

The Law of Life is to live in the present, and this applies to both time and place. Keep your attention to the present moment, and in the place where your body is now.

A woman was visiting a great cathedral in Italy. Just inside the door was a magnificent mosaic extending the width of the building, but not yet completed. It represented the Last Judgment and the number of tiny pieces of different colored marble involved in it staggers the imagination. A man was on his knees working away and the women, who speak Italian, whispered to him, "What a stupendous task you have! I could not even dream of undertaking so much work."

The man replied quietly, "Oh, I know about how much I can do comfortably in one day. So each morning I mark out a certain area, and I don't bother my head thinking outside of that space. Before I know where I am the job will be complete."

If we stay in the present the journey and destination will be that much better.

BE IN THE PRESENT. As the saying goes, "The Past is History, and the Future is a Mystery, and the Present is a Gift."

Jana Ruth
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life"

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