Making Thanksgiving Last all Year
With Thanksgiving coming later this week, I think we should be thankful all year around. To assign one day to be thankful, and the rest of the year not, seems like, only being spiritual one day a week, when we go to church or temple. One day doesn't make up for what we do for the rest of the year. To me, it is the difference between the mentality of abundance as to the mentality of scarcity.
What we focus on grows. If I am thankful each and every day for those things in my life, I will get more of those things. As Woody Allen said, "You are not going to get out of life alive anyway, so you might as well enjoy." We are so caught up on what we don't have that we forget what we do have. There will always be some people with less and some people with more. Here in the United States we have more than the majority of people on this planet, but so few of us are truly happy.
We are so caught up in the past and the future that we forget to be thankful for the present. And as it turns out the present is all we have. If we could be thankful and mindful of each moment I think we would be happier, and be able to create more happy moments.
We are so focused on things and people outside ourselves that we don't pay enough attention to our inner life and our inner life creates our outer experience. We become too much the victim of our lives instead of realizing that we have more power than we realize.
To being thankful in the moment helps us live happier and healthier. How do we achieve that? Below are some suggestions:
1. Laugh
2. Smile
3. Make a list each day of 5 things that you are thankful for
4. Maintain a positive attitude
I believe that if we do these things we can help make Thanksgiving last all year, instead of just one day.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
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