Sunday, September 14, 2008
"What If?" I love "what if" questions. With the political season a series of lies on both sides and fear producing on both sides, I asked myself a "What if" question. "What if, we changed the whole campaign process. What if, who ever wants to be President of the United States has be pay a 1 million to 5 million entry fee. The money from all the interested candidates would go into the US Treasury for help pay off the national debt. The interested candidates would write a essay explaining why they wanted to be President. Their party, their gender, their race, their identity would not be revealed. The citizens of the US would have three months to read the essays and vote for their favorite.
The accounting group that keeps the Oscars a secret, would be responsible for keeping the essay writers a secret. The essays could be printed in Spanish or other languages for those unable to read English. This seems to me to be as good a way to elect a President as we have now. I don't have a problem that maybe the best writer, or the candidate, who gets the best writer would win.
The person who wins the election could than choose their Vice-President as they do now.
When you look at our past Presidents, this essay political system seems to me to be as good a way as we do now. And we would not spend the ridiculous amount of money that we now spend.
What do you think?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Monday, September 01, 2008
Dick and Jane were very happy with their lives, for the most part. They had married, it was inevitable, considering all the stories that Dick and Jane appeared in. They knew each other very well, and they grow up together, although it took them three times as long as most people. They were seven or eight for about twenty years, and then all of a sudden once they got out of the spotlight, they aged very quickly. Well, not that quickly. They are only thirty years old, where they should be in their fifties, or sixties, as most of us that read their books are.
So Dick and Jane are in their thirties and proud parents of Harry and Harriett. They like the name Harry. In fact their liking of the name Harry was the reason they came to me as a Life Coach. They found themselves enable to accomplish much as they found themselves listening to Harry Lillis Crosby (Bing Crosby) songs, as well as Harry Connick Jr. music. They even discovered Harry Chapin, who was a folk-rock troubadour of the baby boom generation. He was particularly known for his "story-songs"; his most well known song "Cat's In The Cradle" (1974) the cautionary tale of an absentee father. And they could not get enough of Harry Belafonte.
They found themselves reading everything they could about Harry Houdini, who was the most influential magician of the 20th century. His specialty was escapes: slipping out of ropes, chains and handcuffs while locked in trunks and milk cans or submerged underwater. (He once jumped into San Francisco Bay while handcuffed and shackled to a ball and chain.) They read everything they could about the Sundance Kid, the outlaw, whose name was Harry Alonzo Longabough. Harry Truman of course is their favorite President and they have read everything they can find about him. Prince Harry is of course their favorite English monarch. They hate Prince William and any mention of him makes their blood boil. Even the actor and comedian Harry Shearer, they can't get enough of. They have all the Simpson's TV episodes and of course The Simpson's Movie.
As you can tell it was quite an addiction that Dick and Jane presented me with. I had many issues to "coach around" with them. Because they couldn't leave their house I had to come to them, which I gladly did. I felt excited about this challenge to help Dick and Jane, since they had so helped me to read.
Before I go any further I need to let you know, that I am only sharing this story with you only because Dick and Jane gave me permission. They want you to know how I truly helped them.
As you can probably tell this is all a MADE UP STORY. It was my way to get your attention. As many of you know I am a Certified Life Coach. I got certified through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, in Tempe, Arizona. It is a great program. I highly recommend it, plus their other classes. Anyway, I am very excited about Life Coaching and my intention is to do Life Coaching along with doing presentation, keynotes, and workshops.
My mission in life is to help people believe in themselves. To help people realize that they can have passion, creativity, fun, and laughter in their lives. That life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
So, here is the deal to help people do this I need you to help me get started. To get started I am offering this deal.
1. Two coaching sessions- the first one half price ($50) and the second one free. This is a $150 value.
2. Coaching session can be over the phone, in person, or on-line.
3. Money back guarantee. If you do not experience at least one major AWE or INSIGHT your fee will be returned to you.
So if you want to be like Dick and Jane and start creating the LIFE YOU WANT AND DESERVE, I look forward to working with you. My contact information is below.
Jana Ruth Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life480-600-5178
Sunday, August 31, 2008
If you are like many people you have a hard time remembering a good joke. I am here today to help you with that. There are two ways to remember a joke. The first is to write it down, immediately, after you hear it. Make sure you write the whole thing down, especially the punch line.
Most all jokes are made up of two parts. The set-up and the punch line. The set-up explains the joke, and the punch-up line takes the joke in a different direction. Example: Where there is a will (Set-up). I sure hope I'm in it (Punch-line).Example: My husband put magic into my life (Set-up). By disappearing (Punch-line).
So write the joke down completely. If you can't write the joke down, share it with someone immediately. We think we will remember the joke to tell later, however, most the time we forget. We especially forget the punch-line. So, as a rule you don't want more than one minute to go between hearing the joke and telling it to someone else.
In telling the joke always pause between the set-up and punch-line. After the set-up pause for about three seconds before you tell the punch-line.
Lastly you want to avoid doing these thing:
1. Tell everyone how funny the joke is before you tell it. You are setting yourself up for no one laughing.You are raising the expectations too high.
2. Add to the joke make the set-up too long, or the punch-line too long.
3. Take too much away from the joke, especially part of or the whole punch-line.
The more you tell jokes the more comfortable you get with them. Jokes, and humor works better if it is connecting, so avoid jokes that might offend some people. If you have any questions about whether to tell a joke or not, don't tell it.
Below are some examples of jokes:
My husband and I shared one thing in common (Set-up). We both loved him (Punch-line).
I have two children (Set-up) that I know of (Punch-line).
Achilles' mother: "Stop whining (Set-up)! There's nothing wrong with your heel (Punch-line)
My husband and I were in the country a few weeks ago. We were standing in front of a wishing well, and he fell in. (Set-up). I never dreamed those things worked (Punch-line).
Did you enjoy the food, sir (Set-up)? I could get more nourishment biting my lip. (Punch-line).
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Sunday, August 17, 2008
With the election heating up I thought you all might enjoy this from Brendan Spiegel from the September/October issue of "Mental Floss."
1. Voters didn't know much about Democrat Franklin Pierce when he headed into the 1852 election, so Pierce decided to cast himself as the rightful heir to popular ex-president James K. Polk. Pierce's pun of a slogan" WE POLKED YOU IN '44, WE SHALL PIERCE YOU IN '52. It may sound oddly threatening now, but it did the trick. Pierce beat his Whig opponent in a landslide.
2. Modern-day politicians make some pretty outlandish campaign pledges, but giving away government property has to take the cake. That's what Abraham Lincoln did in 1860 when he ran for the White House under the slogan, VOTE YOURSELF A FARM- a bold promise to give settlers free land throughout the West. To his credit, however, Lincoln followed through and signed the Homestead Act in 1862.
3. Modern politicians didn't invent you're-either-with-us-or against-us politics. Way back in 1868, General Ulysses S. Grant rode his Civil War victories into the White House with the slogan VOTE AS YOU SHOT- a direct order to Union voters to toe the Republican line.
4. The award for quickest about face on a campaign slogan goes to Woodrow Wilson, who campaigned for re-election in 1916 with the motto, HE KEPT US OUT OF WAR. Americans voted with him in an effort to keep the peace, but five months later, Wilson led the country into World War 1.
5. Prohibition was all the rage in 1920, much to the dismay of Democratic nominee James M. Cox, who believed making alcohol illegal only benefited criminals and bootleggers. His opponent, Warren G. Harding, attacked Cox for this stance and ridiculed him with the slogan COX AND COCKTAILS. Ironically, after Harding won the presidency in a landslide, he was well-known to enjoy stiff drinks in the comfort of the White House.
6. Kansas Governor Alfred Landon emphasized his heartland roots during the 1936 election by adorning his campaign paraphernalia with bright yellow sunflowers. In response, opponent Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Democratic supporters went right for the kill, pointing out that SUNFLOWERS DIE IN NOVEMBER. They were right; Landon won just two states. Kansas wasn't one of them.
7. When F.D.R. sought an unprecedented third term during the 1940 presidential race, it incited a backlash among those who felt it was time to move on. His Republican opponent, Wendell Willkie, got right to the point, stamping his campaign buttons with the slogan ROOSEVELT FOR EX-PRESIDENT.
8. Republican nominee Barry Goldwater inspired a legion of impassioned conservatives in 1964 with his slogan IN YOUR HEART YOU KNOW HE'S RIGHT. But Lyndon Johnson's Democratic campaign came up with a response that more effectively branded Goldwater as a right-wing extremist: IN YOUR GUTS,YOU KNOW HE'S NUTS.
9. After unexpectedly winning the 1976 Democratic primary, Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter sought to stress his humble roots as a peanut farmer and also prove that he was a candidate to take seriously. He did both with his slogan, NOT JUST PEANUTS.
10. Senator Barack Obama my have shown up at the right time with his "CHANGE" campaign, but he's not the first Democrat to try this approach. The party's 1984 nominee, Walter Mondale, campaigned with the slogan AMERICA NEEDS A CHANGE.Unfortunately for Mondale, America disagreed, and 49 states voted for incumbent Ronald Reagan.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Looking through my posts I realized that this is the second blog I have written on this same quote. Evidently this quote is very important to me now and my hope is that maybe you need to see it again too.
The above quote is from James Allen and " As a Man Thinketh." We are always so quick to blame other people for our failures and sorrows in life. We think, "If only I had better parents." "If my boss wasn't such a jerk." "It is all my spouse or partner's fault." "The economy is bad." It is too hot, cold, rainy, sunny to do anything." I am too poor, old, young, uneducated, unlucky."
Take your pick as these are all excuses many of us use to stop us from having or living the life we want. When we blame another, we are not acknowledging that we are the main creator of our own lives.
We need to go inside and examine our character, examine our thoughts, examine our feeling, examine our behavior. We need to acknowledge that no one can mess up our lives unless we allow them to. I think Allen is suggesting in this quote that when we do inside work, our outside circumstances will improve.
Stephen Covey in the book, "The 8Th Habit," says something very similar. He says, "Any time you think the problem is out there, that very thought is the problem. Any time you wrap your emotional life around the weaknesses of another person, you give away your emotional freedom to that person and give them permission to continue to mess up your life. Your past holds your future hostage."
It is not easy to do the inside work, of self-reflection and soul searching. It is not easy to acknowledge your role in the difficulties of your life. However I think that working inside out is the only way to true happiness and that makes it worth it.
And isn't that something to think and write about?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. of Life
Contact me for Humor and Motivational speaking and Life Coaching
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I was talking to my son and I said, "I will see it when I believe it." He said, "What did you say?" I realized that I had meant to say, "I will believe it when I see it." But after thinking for a second, I realized how powerful, "I will see it when I believe it," really is.
I thought that I had come up with a wonderful new quote, only to find that Dr. Wayne Dyer had written a book with a similar title. I have not read the book but this is a powerful concept. If we can see something being in our life we can create it. If I can see my son being successful I can start believing the possibility of it happening. More important my belief in him may influence his belief in himself.
Our beliefs influence our behavior, which in turn, influence our results. Changing how we see the world will change our behavior and give us different results. As Stephen Covey points out everything is created twice. We create something first mentally, than physically.
One of my favorite quotes is, "We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are." If we see the world as abundant and good, it will be. If we see the world as sparse and bad, it will be. We have the choice to choose the world the way we want. So, "I Will See It When I Believe It," is powerful. And that is something to think and write about.
Jana Ruth
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Saturday, July 12, 2008
If you live in the Phoenix area you will get the first opportunity.
(A Kindergarten Class for Adult Women)
Sign up for 1 or all 4- $80 for each session or $275 for all four plus a free Life Coaching Session ($100 value)
Four 3 Hour Classes = 12 Hour Program
When: 9 am to 12 noon next Saturday July 19 and 26, and Aug. 2 and 8
Where: Hampton Inn Midtown, 160 W. Catalina Drive, Phoenix
If you are outside the Phoenix, Arizona area and interested call me at 480-600-5178 or e-mail me at
Relive the joy of coloring, painting, story time, nap time, and milk and cookies (or crackers, depending on how old you are). In this playshop, you will rediscover “the creative, happy, and carefree child that you were, or never were allowed to be.
By the time you leave this playshop, you will be on the road to discovering a happier, more creative, and playful YOU.
You will leave this playshop, with, or having experienced:
A renewed sense of passion, and fun
A “Vision Board,” with your goals and dreams
A Visualization or Guided Imagery
Stress reduction tools such as: laughing, journal writing, and a list of 20 things you love to do
Creative tools: such as drawing, acting exercises, and ways to get, keep, and use ideas
The importance and use of stories to communicate
This class is for you to get rid of your adult and allow your child to come out and play for three hours. You may have forgotten how to have fun and play, but the “kid” knows.
We will provide cookies and milk. You bring a blanket and pillow for nap time.
WARNING: At the end of this Playshop you may find that you aren’t as Seriously Impaired as you thought. It might just turn you from a SUSWIAR (Seriously Uptight Stressed, Who is Always Right) person to a FFRWIOTNI (Fun Flexible Relaxed, Who is Open to New Ideas) person. Just a warning, so you can’t say you were not warned.
For more information call 480-600-5178 or 623-271-2669 or
Jana Ruth
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Many of us have To Do List lists where we list all those things that we need to do during the day. Some people do a Daily To Do List, others do a Weekly To Do List. While I think these have a value, I think we might also do a To Be List. We are after all called Human Beings, not Human Doings.
So many of us play small, when we were made to play big. How many of us have talent that we keep bottled up. Our talent is like a musical instrument that is always kept in it's case. Our talent is like a tennis racket that is always kept in it's bag. Our talent is like golf clubs that are are always kept in their bag.
So what would be on a To Be List? My list would include:
Today I am happy.
Today I am kind.
Today I am patient.
Today I am giving.
Today I am loving.
Today I am peaceful.
I believe that we must remind ourselves that we are Human Beings, and that To Be Kind, To Be Loving, To Be Giving, is just as important as to accomplish goals.
Please join me in Just Being. And as Dr. Taylor Hartman suggests, "If you were accused of valuing yourself, would there be enough evidence to convict you. True self-esteem is when you adore yourself for no apparent reason. You like yourself simply because you breathe." This is why I think Just Being and to every day do a Just Being List is so important.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Sunday, June 08, 2008
In the June Issue of "The American" magazine, Arthur C. Brooks in his article, "How to Succeed in Life...By Really Trying," points out that money does not buy happiness that success does. Brooks points out that, "Americans have on average gotten much richer over the past several decades than they were in previous generations. The inconvenient truth, however, is that there has been no meaningful rise in the average level of happiness. In 1972, 30 percent of Americans said they were very happy, and the average American enjoyed about $25,000 (in today's dollars) of our national income. By 2004, the percentage of very happy Americans stayed virtually unchanged at 31 percent, while the share of national income skyrocketed to $38,000 ( a 50 percent real increase in average income)."
The same is true in other developed countries. In Japan even though after the Second World War the country grow richer it's happiness rate stayed the same at 2.7 on a scale of 1-4.
Brooks points out that economic growth can in some cases create unhappiness. Post- Soviet Russia is an example of this phenomenon. "Some developmental economists believe that cases of a few lucky entrepreneurs suddenly amassing large fortunes raised unreasonable expectations among ordinary Russians, creating a sense of extreme unfairness and leaving them deeply dissatisfied with their meager lot. And in this way, money created unhappiness."
The article does point out that money does help to a certain level. People living in the poorest nations of the world are the most unhappy. "But once countries get past the prosperity level that solves large-scale health and nutrition problems, income disparity pales in comparison with other factors in predicting happiness, such as culture and faith.
So why doesn't money being enduring happiness? The answer is due to what psychologists call "adaptation." We adapt to our circumstances very quickly. We get pleasure from money but the positive effect leaves quickly and the only way we can be happy is to get more money and more money. It is a never ending cycle. To stay happy with money we constantly need more of it.
Another interesting thing Brooks' article points out is, "We really don't care about having money for its own sake, we do care about having more money than others. In other words, my money only makes me happy when I notice that I am richer than you. Brooks further explains that, "What the data tell us is that richer people are happier than poorer people because their relative prosperity makes them feel successful.
Success or the feeling of success, Brooks points out, creates more happiness than money. And money many times is a by product of success. As Brooks points out, "If you and I feel equally successful but you make four times as much as I do, we will be equally happy about our lives."
To me the message of the article was that money doesn't buy happiness, but maybe success will. And success or the feeling of success is what is important and it is different for each of us. Being able to pursue happiness is a right given in our Constitution. and I believe that one of the ways to success is to discover your passion or purpose and than give it as a gift to the world.
So money doesn't buy happiness but finding your passion or purpose and sharing it successfully might.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Sunday, May 25, 2008
This is a quote from James Allen from "As a Man Thinketh," and it got me thinking this week. As many of you might be facing, I am facing the possible lay off at my job. The government entity that I work for, which shall remain nameless, to protect the guilty, is going through difficult budget and economic problems. Being in training, anytime a organization or company looks to cut that is where they look to cut. Anyway, the possibility raised it ugly head this week, and I experienced quite a bit of stress.
As a motivational speaker and believer in being positive and looking at all things as a challenge and an opportunity this week has tested my beliefs. I am realizing that I may have to really practice what I preach.
So after finding this quote, and I do believe that "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." I needed to do some soul searching. I needed to go within and find some answers. The first answer I got was to not let FEAR dominate my life. I may not be able to control what happens to me, but I can control how I respond.
Several things have come to me in the last few days from my reading and internal search and I want to share them with you:
1. Stay in the present moment. The present moment is all we have and that is where we find peace.
2. Stay grateful for what you have. Focus on what you have and you will create more of it.
3. Have fun and laugh. Stop worrying it doesn't help.
4. Do at least one thing each day for your self-improvement
5. Read and listen to positive uplifting things to help you stay positive
6. Love yourself.
I want to leave you with a some great insights from Emmet Fox:
"The eye symbolizes spiritual perception. Whatever you give your attention to, is the thing that governs your life. Attention is the key. Your free will lies in the direction of your attention. Whatever you steadfastly direct your attention to, will come into your life and dominate it. If you do not direct your attention consistently to anything in particular, and many people do not, then nothing in particular will come into your life except uncertainty and suspense."
In Laughter,
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.LA.Y.S. for Life
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Author Unknown
1. Wait for others to make you happy.
2. Blame everyone else for your unhappiness.
3. Use "if only" whenever you can regarding time, money, or friends
4. Compare what you have with what others have.
5. Always be serious.
6. Take responsibility for everything bad in the world.
7. Try to please everyone all the time, except yourself, and never say, "no," to anyone or anything.
8. Help others but don't let anyone help you.
9. Consider your own wants unimportant.
10. If anyone compliments you, discount it immediately.
11. Never laugh or play.
12. Hide your own thoughts and feelings.
13. Resist change at all costs.
14. Strive for absolute perfection,
15. Always live the past or in the future never in the present.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Sunday, April 27, 2008
1. Have Mission/Dream/Purpose for your life.
Put it where you can see it. Set steps or goals to help you reach your mission/dream/purpose. Write it down!!!!
2. Take yourself lightly. Take what you do seriously, and yourself lightly.
Remember "angels can fly because they take themselves lightly." It is okay to make mistakes that is how we learn.
3. Express your feelings.
Emotions are not bad or good. They are simply emotions. The word emotion means to move. Cry, shout, just don't hurt yourself or anyone else.
4. Learn to love yourself.
Pay more attention to what you do well instead of focusing on what you don't do well, Look in the mirror in the morning and night and tell yourself how much you love yourself, just as you are. If you can't love yourself you won't be able to love anyone else.
5. Laugh and often.
You don't have to have a reason to laugh, just laugh. Laugh at least 25 times per day. You will feel happier and healthier.
6. Never stop learning.
Each day we get better and better. If we are growing we are changing. Read at least one book a month.
7. Be kind to yourself and others.
Give yourself and others a break. Each of us are making the best decisions we can with the information we currently have.
8. Play!!
Live a balanced life. Balance your work with play. Better yet put more play into your work.
9. Be adventurous- Try new things.
Be curious about life. Take risks. Get out of your comfort zone.
10. Keep a positive attitude.
You may not be able to control what happens to you but you can always control how you respond.
For questions, answers, jokes, Jana Ruth, because that's my name can be reached at:
Sunday, April 13, 2008

In the book, "The Art of Possibilities," Benjamin Zander and Rosamond Zander, suggest that we treat people as "A" people. That people that are treated as if they are getting an "A" behave and perform better. I believe this works as I have used it for a number of years. In this article, I am going to suggest that we challenge ourselves each day to live an "A" day.
What would an "A" day consist of. Well, I think if I am acting like an "A" person, I will be kind, and caring of those around me. I think an "A" person will be a person who will really try to listen to others. An "A" person, won't lose his or her temper. An "A" person, will laugh and not take themselves too seriously. An "A" person will make the day a little better for at least one other person. An "A" person will be in the present, knowing that the present is the only thing there is. An "A" person will be forgiving.
Imagine with me what the world might be like if we spent each and every day as an "A" day? Wow! I think this world would be a kinder and happier place and maybe we would all be more like children. We might laugh more, be more creative, be more curious. That could be very exciting.
So what are you going to do to live more "A" days?
Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Live
Monday, March 31, 2008
Looking through some of my papers I found an article written by Emmet Fox in 1940. The title is called "The 7 Day Mental Diet." The article is from his book, "Power Through Constructive Thinking." In this article Emmet Fox (he was one of the outstanding spiritual teachers of this century), suggests that a mental diet is more important any other diet. He says, "The most important of all factors in your life is the mental diet on which you live. It is the food which you furnish to your mind that determines the whole character of your life. It is the thoughts you allow yourself to think, the subjects that you allow your mind to dwell upon, which makes you and your surroundings what they are."
Emmet Fox believes that our thoughts and feelings determines every condition of our life. That the way to change your life is to change your thoughts. What we focus on is what we attract. If our thoughts are always negative we will attract more negative into our life. Emmet Fox calls this the, "Great Cosmic Law."
Along with your thoughts your emotions or moods must, also, be positive. You cannot be happy; you can not be healthy; you cannot be prosperous, if you have a bad disposition.
So how does the "7 Day Mental Diet" work? Below is the steps:
1. Devote one week solely to the task of building a new habit of thought, and during that week let everything else in life be unimportant as compared with that.
2. For 7 days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought. A negative thought is any thought that is not positive and constructive in character, whether it concerns you or someone else.
3. You must not under any pretense allow your mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, kind.
4. Do not start it lightly, Think about it for a day or two before you begin.
5. You can start it any day at any hour, once you start you must go right through for the seven days.
6. If you break the diet, stop the diet for a couple of days and start over again.
7. You will have negative thoughts and that is okay as long as you don't dwell on them.
8. Other people will talk about negative things and that is okay too as long as you don't dwell on them. Let those thoughts go and replace them with a positive thoughts.
9. Do not tell anyone else that you are on this diet, or that you intend to go on it.
10. And finally, remember that nothing said or done by anyone else can possibly throw you off the diet. Only your own reaction to the other person's conduct can do that.
Emmet Fox admits that it won't be easy, but he believes that if you do this it will be the most powerful diet you have ever done.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Before I even started working for the county, I was told not to do to much. I wasn't sure what that meant. Within a week I knew what that meant. It meant that if I volunteered to do anything I got negative looks from my co-workers that meant shut-up.
I took one week to rest, by the second week I was bored. I went to my supervisor and suggested that I would like something to do. As I worked in a program that helped people get jobs I was given about fifty files and took to do follow-ups. These people had gotten jobs, and I was to call their employers and find out if they were still working.
We were required to do three-month, six-month, and twelve-month follow-ups. While looking at the first couple of files I noticed that no follow-ups had been completed. It was now between sixteen months and two years past when these people had gotten jobs.
This didn't make much sense to me and I went to my supervisor and asked him about it. He said, "Well, if they are still working there than we know they were working there all the other required dates." I asked, "What if they are not." His reply, "Well, just ask when they stopped working and just guess." I asked, "Aren't these suppose to be accurate." His reply, "They will be accurate." That is when I discovered "Magical Thinking."
I had come from a job where there was never enough time to one where the time was so slow. Here people all came in at 7:00 am, but didn't start work until 8:00 or 8:30, they went to breakfast each day. My biggest challenge each week was to decide whether to do all my work that first day or spread it over the whole week. If I did the work for the week the first day I would be through by 2:00 pm that day, if I spread it out over the week, I would be working about an hour or two a day.
The most amazing thing was that my co-workers were always complaining about having too much to do. I felt like I was having an out of body experience, within my own body. Whatever made sense the opposite was always done. If it made sense the powers that be would do the opposite.
Case in point was the man in the department who was known to sexually abuse his female co-workers, being named the Equal Opportunity Officer. Case in point was the man in the department who couldn't read or write, being named a site director, whose major responsibilities was writing required reports.
My supervisor was the nicest man, just totally incompetent. He was way past when he could have retired, but worked almost ten years past when he should have retired. He worked because his marriage wasn't the best and job was his social outlet. He was a Second World War veteran and loved to share his war stories. He spent his days telling anyone that would listen his stories.
I felt like I was in a zoo, with all the animals in control. This was just the beginning of my experience in the county where what makes sense the opposite happens.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Monday, March 03, 2008
For many years growing up and as a young adult I have heard the reason that women aren't in leadership roles is that they are too emotional.
I don't think so.
On Thursday February 28, 2008, the Michigan women's basketball coach, Kevin Borseth joined the long line of male coaches to lose it in press conferences. Kevin joins Dennis Green, Mike Gundy, Hal McRae, Herman Edwards, Jim Boeheim, and Bobby Knight, in ranting and raving, and throwing a temper tantrum. To see all these male coaches and more lose it, go to YouTube.
Emotional Intelligence, that was written about by Daniel Goleman, is now being found to be more important for success than IQ. Emotional Intelligence is an awareness and management of your own emotions, and an awareness of other people's. It really is self management, social management, and relationship management.
In study after study, women are found to have higher Emotional Intelligence than men. Which suggests that we are better able to control our emotions. So the thought that women are too emotional to be in leadership is false, and we might want to ask that question of men. Maybe, they are too emotional to be in leadership. After watching all these male coaches be so emotional, it begs the question.
Brain research, also suggests that when we lose it we get stupid. All the blood in our brain goes to our extremities for the "flight and flight," response. That is why when people are angry they say the funniest things. They are stupid.
Kevin Borseth apologized on Sunday, and his team lost anyway. My daughter, when she was four, had temper tantrums and she also apologized afterwards, but that didn't stop her the next time.
Men, I fear might be too emotional for positions of leadership. At least they need to clean up their act and become more "emotionally intelligent" and remember not to try to communicate when they are angry.
There should be no temper tantrums allowed by coaches in sports. And the next time a man suggests that women are too emotional to be leaders, I will just use my emotional intelligence and smile at him.
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Friday, February 15, 2008
My co-worker and friend says that managment needs to throw some meat over the cube wall every once in a while to motivate employees. I love that saying. And I totally agree with that saying. I teach leadership skills and I know that many supervisors and managers think that pay is enough. Some say, "They get paid, that should be enough."
In survey after survey pay ranks #5 or #6 for why employees stay on the job. Most of us want recognition, appreciation, feeling in on things, and growth and learning opportunities over pay. If we don't get recognition , appreciation, feeling in on things, and growth and learning opportunities than pay becomes the most important.
As adults most of us are motivated by what sounds like a radio station (WIIFM) "What's In It For Me. " For me to care, there has to be something in it for me. By getting "some meat thrown over the cube wall" every once in a while motivates me. I am sure it might motivate you too.
I read a book many years ago, called "Fun at Work." And in the book it stated that employees wanted their managers to show three things: you matter, I care, and let's have fun. If I believe that I matter to you, and that you care about me, and work can be fun, I feel like 'some meat has been thrown over the cube wall." And at the end of the day isn't that all we are looking for?
Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Monday, January 28, 2008
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to any alive or dead person, or organization is totally accidental. And no persons or animals were hurt in the writing of this column.
You know that you are in the wrong place, or at least you should have stayed in bed, when you are told as you smile at someone and say "Good morning," and you aren't even a morning person, that you are too happy. "What???? I am not even awake and you are telling me that saying "Hi, and saying good morning," qualifies me as a too happy?"
Just because my face is not in a constant frown and I am not constantly looking for someone to make a mistake, can't possibly make me too happy. It is almost as if people like this think if they are miserable so must everyone else.
When I started my career in government, I thought that people in leadership were smarter, better educated, more skilled than me. What a shock to find that this was very far from the truth. For the most part finding good leaders is like having President Brush admit that he lied about Iraqi.
Now I know that change must start with me, or that "I must be the change I want to see in the world." But I would have to change into a rich black man before there would be many good leaders out there.
So what I have found to help me get through this situation, where "all the big chunks rise to the top." is to laugh. I can't take anything too seriously. I can't take anything personally. I believe that "comedy is simply tragedy plus time." So what I find is that even though the event now hurts, later on it will make a great story, and I will be able to laugh at it. I, also, collect jokes like those below to keep myself laughing.
These quotes were taken from actual Federal (US) employee performance evaluations... And they same and worse could be said about leaders.
- "Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and has started to dig."
- "His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity"
- "I would not allow this employee to breed"
- "This employee is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a definite won't be"
- "Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap"
- "When she opens her mouth, it seems that it is only to change feet"
- "He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle"
- "This young lady has delusions of adequacy"
- "He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them"
- "This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot"
- "This employee should go far, and the sooner the better"
- "Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together"
- "A gross ignoramus - 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus"
- "He certainly takes a long time to make his pointless"
- "He doesn't have ulcers, but he's a carrier"
- "I would like to go hunting with him sometime"
- "He's been working with glue too much"
- "He would argue with a signpost"
- "He has knack for making strangers immediately"
- "He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room"
- "When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell"
- "If you see 2 people talking and one looks bored, he's the other one"
- "A photographic memory but with the cap over the lens"
- "A prime candidate for natural deselection"
- "Donated his brain to science before he was done using it"
- "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming"
- "Has 2 brains, one is lost, the other is out looking for it"
- "If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week"
- "If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change"
- "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean"
- "It's hard to believe that he beat out 1,000 other sperm"
- "One neuron short of a synapse""
- "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, he only gargled"
- "Takes him 12 hours to watch 60 Minutes"
- "The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead"
Monday, January 14, 2008

That's My Beautiful Face.
It all starts with me. I determine my life. I decide if I am going to be happy or sad, successful, non-successful. Is it easy? No, and many times I want to have someone to blame for all my problems. It is all me. I know that to have happiness, or joy, or success, I must be that which I want. To have happiness, I have to be happy. I have joy, I have to be joyful. I have success, I have to be success. We can't have what we are not.
Dr. David Hawkins, "Map of Consciousness," points out that to get to higher places of power on the map we need to have more positive thoughts and feelings. In his best selling book, "Power vs. Force," Dr. Hawkins points out, "The ways the various levels of human consciousness express themselves are profound and reaching: their effects are both gross and subtle. Levels below 200 are detrimental to life in both the individual and society at large; those above 200 are constructive expressions of power."
Those emotions below 200 are: Scorn, Hate, Craving, Anxiety, Regret, Despair, Blame, Humiliation. Humiliation is the lowest at 20. The emotions 200 and above are, in order: Affirmation, Trust, Optimism, Forgiveness, Understanding, Reverence, Serenity, Bliss, Ineffable. Ineffable, is the highest and the Level is Enlightenment and the Process is Pure Consciousness.
The thought is that only Jesus and other high spiritual beings got to that level. So how do we mortals get up the Map of Consciousness to a higher level of energy.
The best way I know how is to simply laugh. So if you want to laugh with me please call me at 480-600-5178 or
If you want to laugh by yourself, just do it. Even if it is not real, it will still help, and learn ways to love yourself. There is only you, and you are in charge of your life, like I am in charge of yours and like me you are beautiful.
I am looking for you:
Are you good at sales and or marketing?
Do you like to laugh?
Do you have some time each week to spare?
Are you looking to make money based on your own efforts?
Do you want to work from your own home?
If you answered yes to three or more out of the five please call me at 480-600-5178 or
Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
Thursday, January 03, 2008
We have some many bowl games now with some many different sponsors, that I want to propose some new College Football Bowl Games:
The Toilet Bowl
The Ceiling Fan Bowl
The Stayfree Maxi Pad Bowl
The Trojan Bowl
The Huggies Diaper Bowl
I am sure that many of these might soon appear.
Jana Ruth
Author of "Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life