That's My Beautiful Face.
It all starts with me. I determine my life. I decide if I am going to be happy or sad, successful, non-successful. Is it easy? No, and many times I want to have someone to blame for all my problems. It is all me. I know that to have happiness, or joy, or success, I must be that which I want. To have happiness, I have to be happy. I have joy, I have to be joyful. I have success, I have to be success. We can't have what we are not.
Dr. David Hawkins, "Map of Consciousness," points out that to get to higher places of power on the map we need to have more positive thoughts and feelings. In his best selling book, "Power vs. Force," Dr. Hawkins points out, "The ways the various levels of human consciousness express themselves are profound and reaching: their effects are both gross and subtle. Levels below 200 are detrimental to life in both the individual and society at large; those above 200 are constructive expressions of power."
Those emotions below 200 are: Scorn, Hate, Craving, Anxiety, Regret, Despair, Blame, Humiliation. Humiliation is the lowest at 20. The emotions 200 and above are, in order: Affirmation, Trust, Optimism, Forgiveness, Understanding, Reverence, Serenity, Bliss, Ineffable. Ineffable, is the highest and the Level is Enlightenment and the Process is Pure Consciousness.
The thought is that only Jesus and other high spiritual beings got to that level. So how do we mortals get up the Map of Consciousness to a higher level of energy.
The best way I know how is to simply laugh. So if you want to laugh with me please call me at 480-600-5178 or janabanana15@cox.net.
If you want to laugh by yourself, just do it. Even if it is not real, it will still help, and learn ways to love yourself. There is only you, and you are in charge of your life, like I am in charge of yours and like me you are beautiful.
I am looking for you:
Are you good at sales and or marketing?
Do you like to laugh?
Do you have some time each week to spare?
Are you looking to make money based on your own efforts?
Do you want to work from your own home?
If you answered yes to three or more out of the five please call me at 480-600-5178 or janabanana15@cox.net
Jana Ruth- Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life
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