Friday, February 15, 2008

Throw Them Some Meat Over the Cube Wall!

My co-worker and friend says that managment needs to throw some meat over the cube wall every once in a while to motivate employees. I love that saying. And I totally agree with that saying. I teach leadership skills and I know that many supervisors and managers think that pay is enough. Some say, "They get paid, that should be enough."

In survey after survey pay ranks #5 or #6 for why employees stay on the job. Most of us want recognition, appreciation, feeling in on things, and growth and learning opportunities over pay. If we don't get recognition , appreciation, feeling in on things, and growth and learning opportunities than pay becomes the most important.

As adults most of us are motivated by what sounds like a radio station (WIIFM) "What's In It For Me. " For me to care, there has to be something in it for me. By getting "some meat thrown over the cube wall" every once in a while motivates me. I am sure it might motivate you too.

I read a book many years ago, called "Fun at Work." And in the book it stated that employees wanted their managers to show three things: you matter, I care, and let's have fun. If I believe that I matter to you, and that you care about me, and work can be fun, I feel like 'some meat has been thrown over the cube wall." And at the end of the day isn't that all we are looking for?

Jana Ruth
Author of Laugh and Live Happier: P.L.A.Y.S. for Life